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Reject Social Media. Embrace Tradition.
Welcome to Final Zone BBS!
Hello, and welcome to Final Zone BBS! Yep, this right here is a good old bulletin board system! While this web interface gives forum like access and usage capabilities, deep down at its core this little slice of cyberspace is a text mode wonderland of infinite possibilities for discussion and interaction with like minded individuals. At least, that's the goal. Naturally, it takes people to build a community and if you feel other spaces in the online sphere have failed you, perhaps Final Zone BBS will be the place you've been hunting for!
What Kind Of Place Is This?
Final Zone BBS is, to me, a haven away from the nature of social media and the modern web and, instead, a place to relax and get away from it all and have fun discussions about whatever with a local group of users on a local system, in the same way as the forums of yesteryear, but with a twist. Since Final Zone BBS is, at its core, still a text mode BBS you can use just about any 80 column terminal program to access it and communicate with other users like it's 1985! Seriously, text mode bliss is just a telnet or SSH command away in virtually every operating system of the past few decades! See below for details!
What Are The Rules?
Right now there is a broad policy consisting of only two key points: Nothing illegal, and don't be a jerk without good reason. Naturally, things that break the law are a no-go and are not wanted here, but in so far as user to user interaction simply be a decent person and try to have fun. Hostile elements will be removed and sent to the Rancor pit.
How Do I Access The Text Mode BBS Experience?
Getting the text mode experience is easy! Open a terminal in your operating system (Usually named "Command" or "Terminal" in most every OS, or use a dedicated program like PuTTY / KiTTY or ZOC Term) and use one of two commands:
Telnet: telnet final-zone.net
This is better for older operating systems, as some modern ones (like Windows) do not have a telnet client installed by default. This is also great for legacy systems like Windows XP and its version of Hyperterminal, or Classic MacOS with a dedicated terminal program. If your program asks, it's the standard Telnet port (23)
SSH: ssh citadel@final-zone.net
This option, better for modern systems, establishes a secure (encrypted) connection with this server, and bring you to the same text interface as the Telnet option above. When you first connect this way your system will ask if you wish to accept a key -- select yes, as this is standard for any server you connect to via SSH for the first time -- it's nothing to worry about. If your software asks, it's the standard SSH port (22)
After that, follow the instructions on your screen to enjoy Final Zone in all its BBS glory!
Where Are The Files?
Ah yes, you have come here seeking arcane archives of ancient data... or warez.
Sorry to disappoint you, but there are few, if any, files available for download here. This, simply, isn't a BBS for files; It's a board dedicated to conversation, and while the BBS software does support file uploads, they can only properly be downloaded via the web, somewhat defeating the purpose of such being on a BBS to begin with. I'd rather just not bother, unless something novel has a reason to be here.
Where Are The Games?
Ah yes, games! This isn't the BBS for those either. While, yes, I could set up an account to SSH in to allow you to play various Unix games here, I don't think it's the best way to enjoy such as opposed to playing locally, so, no games. Plenty of gaming discussion to be had, however!
So What Makes This Place Special?
Certainly this is a fair question to ask. The answer is simply, it isn't any more special than any other BBS or social platform out there. It is, however, distinct from the vast marjoity of other bulletin board systems out there thanks to its use of the Citadel groupware as its engine -- this software being built around the idea of organic communications. That is to say, the floor-room concept, and the fact that even you, an average user, can, if you feel the urge, create a room on this system for a particular subject you may be wishing to discuss.
That's right, you, as a user, have can help expand the board and, in doing such, give it even more appeal to people just like you! How cool is that?
So The Focus Is On Socialization?
Exactly. The goal with Final Zone BBS is to bring linke minded people together in an isolated space to share in the discussion of subjects they are passionate about. A place for friendships to form and ideas and creativity to be expressed. It really is that simple, and that's the beauty of it.
Privacy & Data Protection Policy
The Current Privacy and Data Protection Policy (GDPR Policy) can be found here.