Hello and welcome to the new Citadel powered Final Zone BBS!
Pardon the sparseness of the BBS as we not only work to flesh out message areas but also once again grow our user base and form a nice little escape from the rest of the chaos that is the internet at large.
Remember, suggestions are welcomed, as are people from all walks of life who otherwise feel outcast in the rest of the BBS scene.
Once again, welcome to Final Zone BBS.
Now start chatting and stuff. Post all the things!
Hey, welcome to the party! Be sure to (g)oto other rooms, check the (k)nown rooms, (j)ump to a room that has a topic you may like and post away!
Gopher is very much a sort of one sided affair, by its nature. A useful way to store info for consumption but certainly not, by any aspect of its design, a way for real conversation. I kind of prefer things that way.... sometimes, anyway.
Retrocomputing is a bit weird at times... really depends on my mood what I work on, or how I like to interact with the global sphere.... or something to that effect.
Accidentally did a load test of the server. Handled it well. Too bad it flooded the board with a metric fuckton of messages in some (now deleted) test rooms.
Eh, at least I know this thing can handle some activity.
Fri Sep 27 2024 07:19:30 PM UTC from cybernixHey, what happened to the Revertive Pulse QWK network? I'm interested in joining!
Project died when I decided I wanted to change Final Zone to Citadel and, in that action, lose FTN / QWK networking and the like. This BBS is now non-networked, and, as nice as a network can be, it just isn't for me given most of the way the community can be.
Telephony and Phreaking sections planned for RP do exist here, but as a network it was stillborn, which is for the best.
Never did set the server time properly.
Have since done such and restarted citadel.
Let's see how posts are dated now. Hopefully to match Central time.
Hey everyone,
I realized that having so many categories to post in could be quite overwhelming for a new user, so I've taken time to consolidate the majority of them into their broader topics and I think it really fits the core of what this BBS is intended to be about... so far.
This is of course, a Citadel instance, and as such it can be modified quite trivially with new rooms and sub-rooms, as well as new general areas (floors, in Citadel parlance) to cover new subject areas if / when need for them arises.
I'm trying my best to provide a sane categorization to all of the possible conversations I'd hope to have happen here, but it's quite the challenge. While studying book classification systems has helped me to come up with ideas, such methods don't fully transfer over to active discussion as they do for cataloging archived texts, so there's still plenty of wiggle room to be had that I'm not quite comfortable with, but at least I can use those classifications as general guides to keep things going smoothly as this place, hopefully, grows.
I really should get around to promoting it again... but I'm lazy.
Due to redundancy and a change in content plans for the BBS moving forward, the "Mid-South Weather" room will be retired by January 1st of 2025.
UPDATE: Decision has been made to conduct immediate retirement of room.
Please file all complaints with management.
Due to redundancy and a change in content plans for the BBS moving forward, the "Mid-South Weather" room will be retired by January 1st of 2025.
The host operating system for the BBS has been upgraded.
This should not have an effect on the BBS.
Keep calm and carry on.
This will allow these possibly important updates to be even more directly ignored. Thank you for your time. -Management
As the subject says, updated the BBS software to version 1010.
Let me know if you experience any issues.