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[#] Sat Apr 20 2024 10:11:58 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Ossie

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Let's Play: https://youtu.be/xZw880dwtTc

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/04/princewatercress-plays-ossie.html

This game is fun, but the big thing is trying to position your osprey so you can swoop down and grab the fish. Once you figure that out, everything falls into place.

Highretrogamelord's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TTnGd51NqN8

Highretrogamelord's channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCrqu6imeJQ_A7YcB-dLFlfQ 


Longplay: https://youtu.be/xZw880dwtTc

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/04/princewatercress-plays-ossie-longplay.html

And now for the longplay. I ALMOST made it to the sixth sheet! Still an admirable attempt, regardless.

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[#] Fri Aug 02 2024 22:29:39 CDT from PrinceWatercress

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My second-ever multi-part BBC Micro text adventure Let's Play, after The Kingdom of Klein. I'm surprised this one wasn't as long. Still fun with its "dual window" presentation, although it can be a bit cryptic in spots if you don't know about the "SEARCH" command.

Part 1:

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/07/princewatercress-plays-ring-of-time.html

It's time for another BBC Micro text adventure game! Here, we explore the world of the game and get used to the SEARCH command that the game wants us to use in indoor areas.


Part 2: https://youtu.be/Tx-468SFaHA

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/07/princewatercress-plays-ring-of-time_0527074412.html

In this video, we further explore the game and see what more we can do. Here, we deal with a mad monk, climb a rope, and saddle a horse.


Part 3: https://youtu.be/V3f7GVbM3wM

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-ring-of-time.html

Well, after saddling up that horse, we were pretty close to the end of the game. So enjoy what's left of this one, I guess.

Special thanks to Highretrogamelord89 for the inspiration and how to make these BBC Micro Let's Plays and what not:




Longplay: https://youtu.be/f-opsaYlAlQ

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-ring-of-time_065316758.html

Time for another BBC Micro text adventure longplay where everything is played in silence in one sitting, this time with The Ring of Time.

[#] Fri Aug 02 2024 22:30:25 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play The Ring Of Time

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Forgot to put "Let's Play The Ring Of Time" in the subject line, since that's the name of the game. D'oh!

[#] Sat Aug 03 2024 09:47:45 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Let's Play The Ring Of Time

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the easy way to fix that would be to delete and reopost. However, User access control is a bit strange in Citadel so without making you an aide you can't just do said delete and re-post.

I would toggle you to Aide, but I don't want to make using the BBS annoying for you. Trust me, you don't want the aide posts every day where the server tells you what it's doing. Haha.

[#] Sat Aug 03 2024 12:42:50 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Let's Play The Ring Of Time

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I had the feeling it was easier said than done...

[#] Fri Aug 09 2024 12:09:47 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Wizard Adventure

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Another BBC Micro text adventure. You can beat this in a few minutes if you know what you're doing. At least you have a bit more color here.

Let's Play: https://youtu.be/TA_ZILdj37A

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-wizard-adventure.html

Yep, it's another text adventure for BBC Micro. This one has a very small map, and you can do something on virtually every screen you can go to here! There's also two endings! Definitely a text adventure for those trying to get into the genre.

Highretrogamelord89: https://www.youtube.com/@Highretrogamelord 

HRGL89's video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jF29DcEakbk


Longplay: https://youtu.be/rygsMWz9PMA

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-wizard-adventure_01609442912.html


This one is so short and so small that you can beat it in a couple of minutes if you know what you're doing. Still nice to play this one every once in a while, though, I would imagine.