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[#] Sun Aug 11 2024 09:10:56 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Kid drops ice cream after five licks, asshat dad won't buy him another

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[#] Sun Aug 11 2024 09:59:49 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: ROMHacking dot net is ending because the webmaster is a dumbass

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At the beginning of August 2024, Nightcrawler - host of hot ROM hack and translation destination - wanted to wind the site down. An internal group wanted to take the reigns and continue where Nightcrawler left off. Everything went smoothly at first, but then, according to Nightcrawler...

"I discovered a most dishonest and hate filled group. I learned that I had been dehumanized for a very long time. My personal details had been given out. Secret deceitful plots had been made to cut me out, and drop a bomb like I am a target to destroy. My family has seen this and after discussion, we are immediately ceasing all related site operations. We are cutting ties to Discord and Twitter social media outlets, and will have no further contact with these individuals. Lines were crossed. I had hoped this community especially would have learned from what happened to Near. This behavior is not OK for handling disagreements, miscommunication, anger, or anything else."

After this, Nightcrawler made everything available on the Internet Archive for anyone to look for. This seemed like the end of it. Until...

Until the next day, I was alerted to a Cohost post by Gideon Zhi, a RHDN staff member. From the post Gideon made, which was also made on socials, it became obvious that Nightcrawler was being stubborn about the whole thing. Not only that, but Nightcrawler was also paying more for hosting everything on the site than he should have. The staff wanted to ease the burden of paying for everything by having Amazon Web Services handle everything, and even offered to have somebody else foot the bill instead of Nightcrawler. All of a sudden, the "internal group" - which was staff - stopped hearing from Nightcrawler, and it became harder and harder to get a hold of him. As for the doxxing, that never happened at all, according to Gideon. Suddenly, the comparison of what happened to the suicide of byuu/Near, because not only tasteless and disgusting, but also false equivalence.

More than a week passes. And then last night happened.

XKeeper, who also runs The Cutting Room Floor at, posted their point of view on socials as well as Cohost. As it turns out, basically everything that Gideon mentioned was true, and they also mentioned some other things. The "doxxing" in question was everyone trying to find Nightcrawler's e-mail address, as nobody could get a hold of him while the site was down for an extended period. The Discord server, which Nightcrawler cut ties with, was used to cordinate possible transition and site handoff efforts, and not only that, Nightcrawler didn't even join the server until it came time to do all this stuff, seven years after the server was made!

And after all of that, Nightcrawler then decides to go full fucknut and IP ban and delete the accounts of every single former staff and current Discord member of the site. ( ( (

In short, Nightcrawler basically lied about everything because he asked for help and then took it as "EVERYONE'S TELLING ME HOW TO DO MY JOB! BAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!" and also brought byuu/Near's name into this because he's just such a fucking class act /s. Then he took his anger out on anybody and everybody involved for fuck knows why.

What a way to end 20 years of emulation history in the most idiotic way possible.

[#] Sun Aug 11 2024 14:25:25 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: ROMHacking dot net is ending because the webmaster is a dumbass

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Just when I think my faith in the gaming community can't get any lower, this shit happens.

[#] Tue Aug 13 2024 17:21:15 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: ROMHacking dot net is ending because the webmaster is a dumbass

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[#] Wed Aug 14 2024 21:29:13 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Teen falls asleep in courtroom on field trip; judge goes full asshole

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King, who works at 36th District Court, defended his actions.

“I wanted this to look and feel very real to her, even though there’s probably no real chance of me putting her in jail. That was my own version of ‘Scared Straight,’” King said, referring to a documentary about teen offenders in New Jersey.

The teen was seeing King's court as part of a visit organized by The Greening of Detroit, a nonprofit environmental group. During the visit, King noticed the girl falling asleep, WXYZ reported.

“You fall asleep in my courtroom one more time, I’m gonna put you in back, understood?” the judge said, according to video of his remarks.

King then had the girl change into jail clothes and wear handcuffs.

"It was her whole attitude and her whole disposition that disturbed me,” the judge told WXYZ. “I wanted to get through to her, show how serious this is and how you are to conduct yourself inside of a courtroom.”

King also threatened her with time in juvenile detention before releasing her.

“I’ll do whatever needs to be done to reach these kids and make sure that they don’t end up in front of me,” the judge said.

The Greening of Detroit released a statement, saying the “young lady was traumatized.”

“Although the judge was trying to teach a lesson of respect, his methods were unacceptable,” chairperson Marissa Ebersole Wood said. “The group of students should have been simply asked to leave the courtroom if he thought they were disrespectful.”


But wait! There's more!


King told WXYZ that he spoke to the girl's parents and offered to be a mentor.

Dude shouldn't be in charge of or mentoring shit.

[#] Thu Aug 15 2024 17:02:35 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Teen falls asleep in courtroom on field trip; judge goes full asshole

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There's now more to this.

- the teen was tired because she and the mom do not have a fixed address and bounce from place to place, and they were not able to get sleep until late the previous night
- the teen basically works for the nonprofit, planting trees
- the teen is now traumatized because of this and feels that her peers are now against her after the whole "show of hands" thing by the judge
- the teen and the judge are both Black
- the teen thinks there was a security camera in the room where she was forced to change into a jumpsuit
- the teen is far from a "problem child"
- the judge is still defending his own actions
- the teen and her mom are now consulting a lawyer
- the judge has been temporarily removed and has been forced to undergo training for failing to live up to court standards for his actions

I'd rather the judge be launched into the sun, to be honest.

[#] Sat Aug 17 2024 16:11:54 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: West Memphis teacher picks fight with kid over vaping; it goes wrong

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tl;dr: Teacher confronts 8th grade student over vaping after a girl showed another teacher video of the student supposedly vaping in school; things somehow get verbal, then physical, and the teacher chokes the student before fighting him until another staff member broke things up. The teacher used profanity towards the student, and called him a "whiner" and threatened him with a "whooping." According to video of the incident, the teacher was the aggressor in the situation. Both the teacher and the student were arrested, with the student being held in juvenile detention. The student was eventually released with all charges dropped, while the teacher has been charged with third-degree battery and filing a false report, with West Memphis Schools having placed the teacher on administrative leave. The mother, who had no idea what was happening until the child was in juvenile detention - meaning that the police called her and not the school - says that the student was arrested in front of his peers and was traumatized by the teacher as well as the police, and that she is scared of letting him go back to school.

[#] Tue Aug 20 2024 10:27:04 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Johnny Wactor's killers are all young, dumb and stupid

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- they're all part of the Florencia 13 gang; three of them are 18 years old, a fourth is only 22
- all of them have lengthy criminal histories
- two of them are facing life in prison, one of them without the possibility of parole
- one of the men had a Florencia 13 "F" gang tattoo on their forehead, which gave them away and made them easier to identify
- one is being held without bail; two are being held on more than $1 million; one is being held on $120K bail

All this over a catalytic converter. Mind-boggling.

[#] Thu Aug 29 2024 07:56:58 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Teen falls asleep in courtroom on field trip; judge goes full asshole

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There is now a petition on Care2 to have Judge Kenneth King disbarred following his actions.

[#] Fri Sep 27 2024 11:24:09 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Andrew Bailey strikes again; tries to keep an innocent man jailed

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Wed Jul 31 2024 17:23:33 UTC from PrinceWatercress Subject: Re: Andrew Bailey strikes again; tries to keep an innocent man jailed


Wed Jul 24 2024 23:29:26 UTC from PrinceWatercress Subject: Andrew Bailey strikes again; tries to keep an innocent man jailed

Just like with Sandra Hemme, as soon as Christoper Dunn's 30+-year-old murder conviction was overturned, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey decided to swoop in and keep the man jailed.

And just like last time, the judge put his foot down and told the warden that he would be held in contempt of court if he did not free Christopher Dunn.

Bailey's days are about to be numbered if he keeps this up.

Christopher Dunn is free.

Unfortunately, Missouri AG Andrew Bailey still wants to try shit.

Another hearing is approaching for Marcellus Williams, who narrowly escaped lethal injection and is now facing another execution date.

St. Louis County’s prosecutor believes DNA evidence shows that Williams didn’t commit the crime that landed him on death row. DNA of someone else — but not Williams — was found on the knife used in the 1998 killing, experts said.

A hearing on Williams’ innocence claim begins Aug. 21. His execution is scheduled for Sept. 24.

Bailey’s office is opposing the challenge to Williams’ conviction, too.

Marcellus Williams was recently executed, despite pleas that he be spared from the death penalty, including from the victim's family.

Once again, Bailey as well as Governor Mike Parsons wanted this to happen, with the former stating that there was still evidence that he did, and the latter refusing to intervene after the Missouri Supreme Court unanimously refusing to halt the execution.

[#] Wed Oct 09 2024 17:41:07 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Internet Archive hacked, data breach impacts 31 million users

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[#] Wed Nov 13 2024 11:30:17 CST from Kurisu

Subject: Everything, amirite?

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I've come to realize that cesspool may, in effect, be a valid section to encompass the near entirety of the state of the world at the moment and looking to the near future.


So, to quote Fred Durst in the classic "Break Stuff:"

It's just one of those days when you don't wanna wake up
Everything is fucked, everybody sucks


[#] Fri Nov 29 2024 10:00:49 CST from equinox

Subject: NFL playes and DUIs

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[#] Fri Nov 29 2024 10:04:14 CST from equinox

Subject: Re: NFL playes and DUIs

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Look at my screwup! What I meant to say, it is mad these guys continue to get in this situation. They have so many money, they could approach anyone, give them $100k, and ask them to take them home, and not even notice they spent it.

[#] Fri Nov 29 2024 15:39:33 CST from Kurisu

Subject: Re: NFL playes and DUIs

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It's like a law of nature that the moment you become well known to the masses, you also lose all ability to follow basic logic.

Uber would be 20 bucks for them in the same way it would be for everyone, but NOOOOO~ They have to go on and drive drunk as hell because they are just better than everyone else! /sarcasm.