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[#] Sun Jan 19 2025 12:26:03 CST from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Gumby vs. The Astrobots

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Six videos (six parts)

Believe it or not, Gumby - who I remember seeing a lot on Nickelodeon when I was a kid - got his own game for the Game Boy Advance. It's probably the only game Gumby's got, as far as I can tell. Even Felix the Cat got more. Nevertheless, it's not a bad game at all. Definitely meant for younger gamers.

Yep, you're playing as Gumby. You're taking on the Astrobots, who have been re-programmed by those nasty Blockheads to kidnap your family and friends, who you now have to rescue. Pretty average game, but I enjoyed it for what it was.

[#] Sun Jan 26 2025 11:31:56 CST from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play M.C. Kids

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Seven parts (seven videos)

I can't believe that I not only played through one of the Nintendo Entertainment System's more notorious platformers...and beat it 100%, including PuZzLeWoRlD.

I also can't believe that I managed to squish it down to one whole world per video, with all cards collected, and in such a way that if you need to find out how to find something, it'll be in the video where that world is covered.

For something that was harder than it should have been for the target audience, it's a blast when you know what to do. It can be a weird game at times, but it's a lot more fun than even AVGN makes it out to be.

[#] Tue Jan 28 2025 10:31:44 CST from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Fruit Machine

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Fruit Machine is a slot machine simulator for the BBC Micro written way back in 1983 by one S. Crumb and released as part of a double pack with another game called Honest Joe by Beebugsoft. There's not much to this game and it's pretty basic, but at least there isn't anything here that's absolutely game-breaking and the game functions much like it should. So...enjoy, I guess.

Let's Play:

Blog entry:

Can't really complain about this one. Plays like it should, too. Yeah, this was a nice little detour.



Blog entry:

Now that we've played the game and gotten the jackpot, we might as well go ahead and do the same, minus commentary. Enjoy.

[#] Mon Feb 03 2025 17:27:16 CST from Kurisu

Subject: Beta version of GTA: Vice City Leaked

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One made its way out there. Maybe more will show themselves in time.

Neat stuff.