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[#] Sat May 04 2024 09:17:08 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: The Five Worst Songs of 1987

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Here's one from A Dose of Buckley in his "worst songs" series -- this time taking a look back at the 5 worst songs from 1987!

Haven't watched it yet, but I'm sure it'll be funny. He damn near always is.

[#] Mon May 06 2024 09:53:04 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: The Five Worst Songs of 1987

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One of the picks for #1 surprised me.

Yeah, it's 80s pop schlock, but I wouldn't expect it to be on any worst lists.

[#] Mon May 06 2024 11:48:20 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: The Five Worst Songs of 1987

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Seems like the whole list was carefully planned to represent very well the contrast between the top music of 87 and today's bland synthetic garbage: That song choice, if it's the one of the two I'm sure it is you're referring to, quite accurately representing that idea of "this is just how it is for now" that is my take away from the video.

I could be wrong, of course.


[#] Tue May 07 2024 09:38:16 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: The Five Worst Songs of 1987

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Choice in this case was "Funky Town" by Pseudo Echo (but you probably figured that one out).

It's kinda weird in hindsight, because "Lean on Me" by Club Nouveau still comes up regularly while nobody brings up Pseudo Echo or their surprise worldwide smash cover of "Funky Town," both of which are more well-known in their native Australia anyway.

And yeah, the 80s had a ton of covers. Don't even get me started on Stock, Aitken and Waterman.

[#] Tue May 07 2024 14:25:23 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: The Five Worst Songs of 1987

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Oh, no, I actually thought you were talking about Lean on Me. LOL


[#] Tue May 14 2024 10:32:44 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: David Sanborn has passed on at 78

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I had been listening to a few of his songs recently, so I wasn't exactly expecting to hear this news.

I Told U So:

Bum's Cathedral:

High Roller:

[#] Wed May 15 2024 13:46:31 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: David Sanborn has passed on at 78

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Well ain't that some shit. Not long after Steve Albini passing. Yeah totally different genres and age ranges but still.... feels like it always comes in batches.

[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 18:23:25 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Rory Gallagher - Shadow Play (Live, September 1978)

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I'm not much of a blues guy per se but I do certainly appreciate its direct evolution into rock and thus metal. That being said, Irish artist Rory Gallagher, as his career progressed, moved into some heavy rock territory by the late 70's and early 80's and this song, Shadow Play, is one of my absolute favorites from this era. indeed, a top song for me on a whole, and one I oddly discovered by complete accident.

It's one of my favorite songs to play along with, guitar or bass wise, and this live performance is just... goddamned amazing. Not just Rory but the rest of the band, giving it all.

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[#] Sat Jun 15 2024 13:05:11 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Christopher & Philip Booth - Ulterior Motives (AI Astley Cover)

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I'm not quite sure how to make of this. At least it sounds like a Stock-Aitken-Waterman produced song, so it's got that down.

[#] Sat Jun 15 2024 13:54:13 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Christopher & Philip Booth - Ulterior Motives (AI Astley Cover)

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Sat Jun 15 2024 06:05:11 PM UTC from PrinceWatercress Subject: Christopher & Philip Booth - Ulterior Motives (AI Astley Cover)

I'm not quite sure how to make of this. At least it sounds like a Stock-Aitken-Waterman produced song, so it's got that down.

I can groove to this. Shows that the composition of Ulterior Motives isn't bad, but that the original is, well, cheap, for lack of a better phrasing, in production quality. Given the Astley source, that improves overall quality as well, since I do like both his vocal sound and the instrumentation used for his 80's works.

Bonus points for this AI cover not having audible moaning.

[#] Sat Jun 15 2024 16:44:25 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: PWL-style "Boys Don't Cry" remix by Moulin Rouge by Electric-t

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Since the Rick Astley AI cover of "Ulterior Motives" went well, I might as well post this one.

Electric-t is from Japan and has made several Stock/Aitken/Waterman-style covers of songs, and I managed to find this one randomly one night and liked what I heard.

[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 21:35:51 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: [Cover] Knuckles' Chaotix - Door Into Summer (RF5C164)

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Found this Sega-CD style cover of a song from Chaotix earlier today; has a bit of a Stock/Aitken/Waterman-style feel to it and even has a SAW-style intro at the beginning, too.

[#] Mon Jul 22 2024 16:06:18 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Evelyn Thomas has passed away at age 70

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Well that's quite the loss. :(

It should be noted a cover of her most famous work was in Dance Dance Revolution Solo 2000, and on the CS release Extra Mix.


[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 10:28:17 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: The losses just keep coming!

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That wasn't the only loss I learned about yesterday.

Abdul "Duke" Fakir, the last original member of The Four Tops, passed away Monday at 88 after retiring from live performing two days earlier. The group is still together, but there is nary an original member due to the rest of them passing on and one of the members is the son of one of the original members.

Moby Grape founding member and guitarist Jerry Miller passed away at the age of 81, also on Monday.

Songwriter Jerry Fuller, best known for his work with Gary Pucker and the Union Gap, passed away on July 18th at the age of 85.

[#] Tue Jul 23 2024 21:39:25 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: They STILL keep coming

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John Mayall, leader of John Mayall's Bluesbreakers and "The Godfather of British blues," has passed on at his California at 90.

The Bluesbreakers were the introduction to some of the greatest musicians of all time: Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Peter Green (all of Fleetwood Mac), Eric Clapton, Andy Fraser (of Free), Aynsley Dunbar, Jack Bruce, Mick Taylor, just to name a few.

[#] Thu Aug 15 2024 14:07:11 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: RIP Greg Kihn

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Greg Kihn, best known for "Jeopardy" and "The Breakup Song," has passed on at 75.

[#] Thu Aug 15 2024 15:04:57 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: RIP Greg Kihn

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Well shit. :|


[#] Fri Aug 16 2024 09:59:58 CDT from PrinceWatercress

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It gets worse.


We just lost Jack Russell from Great White. I still remember when CNN Headline News (now HLN) was talking about that Rhode Island nightclub fire.

[#] Fri Aug 16 2024 14:31:07 CDT from Kurisu

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The Station Nightclub Fire was one hell of an avoidable tragedy...