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[#] Mon Jun 10 2024 16:55:45 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Four International Tourists Stabbed in China

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As a subscriber to The China Show this bit popped up in my feed earlier and I felt it worth sharing here.

China is a... wild place. :\

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[#] Fri Jun 21 2024 14:00:46 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: NK soldiers cross DMZ, SK soldiers fire warning shots

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Bro, the border situation is pretty damn crazy right now. This has been going on for a while and there's likely no signs of it stopping anytime soon as the DPRK likely redefines its border with the south.

Which brings us to a wild thought -- the border runs in the middle of the DMZ, but there is nothing actually blocking you from, if you are in the DMZ, from just walking one side to the other.

GETTING INTO the DMZ, however, is its own problem....

But it's weird seeing farms in one village that is in the DMZ just butting right against the North... like, literally, one more step and boom, a farmer would be in the DPRK....