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[#] Fri Jun 21 2024 16:10:52 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: The Entire Series of "Mission Hill" is on YouTube. Enjoy.

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Yep, it's the much loved turn of the millennium animated series is apparently fully on YouTube and, as it stands, no one gives a shit about it: that is to say, no one has hit it with a copyright claim. All in one marathon episode, along with some extras from the DVD.

Yep, pretty kick ass.

[#] Sat Nov 23 2024 12:00:00 CST from Kurisu

Subject: All Of "King of the Hill" Is on

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Yeah, someone was crazy enough to put it up there, and of course since the Internet Archive basically doesn't care, it's been there for a little while, just asking for Fox/Disney to sue.

Not like IA hasn't already been sued and lost....:|