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[#] Tue Apr 16 2024 21:23:13 UTC from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Megamania

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Part 1: https://youtu.be/YWgY3eyTM1w

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/04/princewatercress-plays-megamania-part-1.html

Here's a fun little game from Activision for the Atari 2600. Shoot all the things, but don't get shot yourself. The better you do, the more points and lives you get! But be careful, because this game can be rather tough.

[#] Wed Apr 17 2024 00:14:59 UTC from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Let's Play Megamania

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A game that, if I recall correctly, is literally a fever dream. Love it. Then again it's Activision in the 80's -- everything they made is pretty much gold!

[#] Wed Apr 17 2024 15:17:00 UTC from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Let's Play Megamania

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Part 2: https://youtu.be/jJjGOsr0ijk

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/04/princewatercress-plays-megamania-part-2.html

For this video, we play the other game mode, in which the missiles don't move with the player, and we also set the difficulty switch to A/Expert for slower missiles for good measure. Not surprisingly, this makes the game even tougher.

[#] Thu Apr 18 2024 15:14:29 UTC from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Let's Play Megamania

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[#] Sun Jun 09 2024 12:10:46 UTC from Kurisu

Subject: Aqualung Reviews Beat 'Em & Eat 'Em

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I was not expecting to see this in my subscription box -- a review of the "pornographic" Atari 2600 game Beat 'Em and Eat 'Em. I'm not complaining, I just found it surprising.

Actually, props to him for just doing the review and not pussyfooting around the subject matter and actually addressing the game for what it actually is -- a novelty.


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[#] Fri Aug 23 2024 16:23:46 UTC from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Let's Play Berzerk (Atari 2600)

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At long last, I've finally played through all the game modes on Berzerk for Atari 2600. Not much to say about this one except that it is one of the absolute classic arcade ports for the 2600 and definitely a game to get for it. I improved my game a lot just from making videos for this one.

I'll eventually have longplays for all twelve game modes; they'll just be posted between Let's Plays so as to make more time for the stuff I've made since playing through Berzerk

Game 1: https://youtu.be/oK4YuIOnkPk

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari.html

If there was any game from the early 1980s that was definitely getting an Atari 2600 port, it was Berzerk. In the first game variation, you just have to worry about the robots and their lasers, and you get an extra life every 1,000 points.


Game 2: https://youtu.be/WU7mMapRwmA

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_11.html

Game 2 introduces Evil Otto, the evil smiley face that comes after you if you're on a screen for too long. He can be shot down, but he always comes back before long.


Game 3: https://youtu.be/4oT7HljfE_I

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0958363052.html

Uh-oh. Evil Otto is invincible now, compared to Game 2. Do you risk getting those bonus points from shooting all the robots, or do you hightail it to the next room?


Game 4: https://youtu.be/GWIZK3Ko8Yw

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0764864798.html

Game 4 plays much like Game 1, but now you have to get 2,000 points to earn an extra life, making survival a lot harder.


Game 5: https://youtu.be/-RjUgPb9HA0

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_02051197146.html

We're back to playing with the "2,000 point" rule for extra lives, but now Evil Otto is back. At least we can get rid of him temporarily.


Game 6: https://youtu.be/2PVeFmkCaRQ

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_01188672919.html

Game 6 is the same game as Game 5, but Evil Otto is invincible. Compared to the first three game variations, Games 4-6 make it harder to have a longer game.


Game 7: https://youtu.be/l_LDI4IPzvw

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_01136460989.html

For this game, there are no extra lives and it's just you and the robots again. You'll have to play really well in order to get a high score here.


Game 8: https://youtu.be/Rto_ygW7tsA

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0612007827.html

Game 8 is just like Game 7 in which you don't have any extra lives, but Evil Otto is involved. You can shoot him down to get rid of him temporarily, but still...


Game 9: https://youtu.be/Hp4vWDEfT94

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0567914582.html

Evil Otto is invincible, the robots are armed and dangerous, and there are no extra lives. Welcome to the hardest game variation on the cartridge.


Game 10: https://youtu.be/LI90Um2lW58

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_01562359016.html

Things get a little less difficult for Game 10. Evil Otto may be invincible, but you get extra lives at 1,000 points again and the robots don't shoot at you for once.


Game 11: https://youtu.be/JHHRFkaALdA

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0452065904.html

In Game 11, the robots don't shoot, and this time, Evil Otto temporarily disappears when you shoot him, making this a little easier than Game 10.


Game 12: https://youtu.be/Sx8CDuGm5LY

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_02015454040.html

Game 12 is the easiest of them all, as the robots don't shoot and Evil Otto is nowhere to be seen. This is the perfect game variation for small children as well as anyone who wants to get used to how to shoot the robots down.


Part 13: https://youtu.be/fjcusxHmkIE

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_0147302417.html

In 2002, Mike Mika hacked the game so that not only did the colors match more closely to the arcade version, but the game would play sound bites in-between rooms. There's not a lot of voice samples here, but what's here is pretty nice.


Longplay 1: https://youtu.be/uUCGiUqieiE

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_01228217486.html

With all of the game variations being pretty easy to pick up and play, I've decided to make commentary-free longplays of each and every one of them. For this longplay, we play the first of twelve game variations, where there is no Evil Otto and we just have the robots shooting at us.

Longplays of each game mode will be posted between Let's Plays, so as not to take any more time from the other games that I've Let's Played since.

[#] Thu Aug 29 2024 15:19:33 UTC from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Let's Play Berzerk (Atari 2600)

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Longplay 2: https://youtu.be/vFdos2ZG2bk

Blog entry: https://princewatercress.blogspot.com/2024/08/princewatercress-plays-berzerk-atari_01241270270.html

For the Game 2 Longplay, Evil Otto is involved. I don't do as well compared to Game 1, and I end up doing better on future longplays.