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[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 15:00:27 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

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In case you've been living under a rock, I'll summarize things: The most recent Disney Star Wars series, titled The Acolyte is an abject failure among fans. General consensus is that everything is sub par at best, but most would honestly say pretty terrible. The show has not only butchered core Star Wars mythos, but is filled with the kind of excessive virtue signaling and obsessiveness for everything to be "inclusive" that's dominated much of the media industry the past few years. We have random, awkward as fuck pronoun inquiry where it makes no sense in a way that makes no sense, we have the lesbian space witch coven and their own beyond idiotic "power of one, power of two, power of maaaaaanyyyyyyy" shit that's just laughable, and more. Much more. Don't even look into the showrunner unless, you know, you want to question everything about Hollywood more than you already do...

So, in reaction to what anyone could see as valid criticisms, what does the star, Amandla Stenberg do? A woman who, mind you, is only criticized for some wooden acting along with damn near everyone else in the show, cries racism and discrimination in a video on Instagram, released on June 19th... so you know, they pick Juneteent to release this.

I should of course clarify here that the woman is of mixed ethnicity: While her mother is "African American" according to Wikipedia, her father is Danish... with his own ancestry apparently hailing back to Greenland, or something to that effect. So yeah, the white half is, at Ted Wassanasong from King of the Hill would say, "Super White."

Now, I say all this with the trailing clarification that I'm all for social progress. I feel there are injustices that need to be righted, but this shit's just too much. It doesn't advance anything, this is just a 25 year old brat who's been in entertainment for a decade now, is a millionaire, and is, as mentioned before, of mixed Caucasian and African ethnicity, crying about racism.

This isn't helping anything at all, nor is what the people behind Acolyte and other shows of this nature, where the focus is just filling a "minority" cast, making sure to represent the flavor-of-the-week oppressed group, but not focus on making a program that's actually worth watching and when people call it out cry bigotry.

Again, I consider myself progressive, but this ain't progress. This is just... bad... all around.

...and this... "song" is just... fuck it.. you can barely here her, the vocal elements you can hear are oddly distorted.. the beat is kind of okay, it has a catchy quality but holy hell, the actual lyrical content (thanks for subtitles) is trash, and that fucking gyrating she thinks is dancing... the fuck even is that..

This deserves an article but I'm posting here mainly so Prince Watercress can go "what the absolute fuck"


[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 15:18:19 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

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Sat Jun 22 2024 20:00:27 UTC from Kurisu Subject: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

In case you've been living under a rock, I'll summarize things: The most recent Disney Star Wars series, titled The Acolyte is an abject failure among fans. General consensus is that everything is sub par at best, but most would honestly say pretty terrible. The show has not only butchered core Star Wars mythos, but is filled with the kind of excessive virtue signaling and obsessiveness for everything to be "inclusive" that's dominated much of the media industry the past few years. We have random, awkward as fuck pronoun inquiry where it makes no sense in a way that makes no sense, we have the lesbian space witch coven and their own beyond idiotic "power of one, power of two, power of maaaaaanyyyyyyy" shit that's just laughable, and more. Much more. Don't even look into the showrunner unless, you know, you want to question everything about Hollywood more than you already do...

So, in reaction to what anyone could see as valid criticisms, what does the star, Amandla Stenberg do? A woman who, mind you, is only criticized for some wooden acting along with damn near everyone else in the show, cries racism and discrimination in a video on Instagram, released on June 19th... so you know, they pick Juneteent to release this.

I should of course clarify here that the woman is of mixed ethnicity: While her mother is "African American" according to Wikipedia, her father is Danish... with his own ancestry apparently hailing back to Greenland, or something to that effect. So yeah, the white half is, at Ted Wassanasong from King of the Hill would say, "Super White."

Now, I say all this with the trailing clarification that I'm all for social progress. I feel there are injustices that need to be righted, but this shit's just too much. It doesn't advance anything, this is just a 25 year old brat who's been in entertainment for a decade now, is a millionaire, and is, as mentioned before, of mixed Caucasian and African ethnicity, crying about racism.

This isn't helping anything at all, nor is what the people behind Acolyte and other shows of this nature, where the focus is just filling a "minority" cast, making sure to represent the flavor-of-the-week oppressed group, but not focus on making a program that's actually worth watching and when people call it out cry bigotry.

Again, I consider myself progressive, but this ain't progress. This is just... bad... all around.

...and this... "song" is just... fuck it.. you can barely here her, the vocal elements you can hear are oddly distorted.. the beat is kind of okay, it has a catchy quality but holy hell, the actual lyrical content (thanks for subtitles) is trash, and that fucking gyrating she thinks is dancing... the fuck even is that..

This deserves an article but I'm posting here mainly so Prince Watercress can go "what the absolute fuck"


Well, at least you're right about the song low key slapping.

What really stood out to me is the whole second verse. I hate to say this, but that whole second verse explains perfectly why I hate the word "woke" and its watering down to a tee. It's gotten to the point that I actually have "woke fatigue" from just hearing the word as well as a few other terms such as "culture war," which is something I've mentioned in other (private) avenues.

[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 15:22:13 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

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Like, musically it's okay. Not great, not terrible, but once you add the vocals it's all shit.

As for the woke issue, yeah, that's been something critics of this whole thing on YouTube have brought up -- that it's a term that's been so bastardized by these kinds of people it's not even funny. Just like so many other words... :\

[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 15:24:57 CDT from PrinceWatercress

Subject: Re: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

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Yeah, the lyrics didn't impress. Even the Kendrick Lamar-Drake beef has more creative writing than this.

[#] Sat Jun 22 2024 15:46:21 CDT from Kurisu

Subject: Re: Acolyte "Star" Amandla Stenberg's Beyond Cringy rap "song"

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Fast Food song had better writing than this.

Also, it kind of belongs here in cringefest so whatever, here it goes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rOC9d17vASc